I will just give an overview for the most part with a few specifics. Aldi I have been getting my fruits and veggies as they are on a good deal. The fruit is going up and veggies are coming down as the fruit is not in season as much and the veggies are. I have been trying to get bread on markdown at Kroger so that I save money that way. 99 cents to $1.19 for the same kind of whole wheat/whole grain bread I would get at Aldi for $1.69. I still get it there when I can't find a mark down. I really need to try the bread store that is close to Aldi and see what kind of deals I can find there. Maybe on Monday I will try that and go by Payless since they sent me a gift card after not having what I ordered in stock from them and I have a coupon that I can use too. Maybe they have some tennis shoes for me. I really need a new pair but I am picky and have so many other things I want to spend money on.
I was able to get Scotty his first Power Wheels this week. I belong to my local cheapcycle group and every once in a while I get lucky and find something great that someone else has not snatched up already. We saw a Power Wheels at Goodwill several weeks ago but it did not have a battery or charger. I came home and looked up what they would cost me and found that it would be close to if not more than $100 so I decided it was not a good deal. This one was only $50 and it's one of the Jeep Wranglers that sells for around $250 new. It has a pretty new battery and did include the charger. It is missing on piece on the back that does not effect how it works. He is a little bit to small yet but he loves it and I know he will figure it out really soon. :)I also ordered him a bucket swing from ebay and we can't wait for it to get here. I put some eye hooks and some chain in the garage so we could hang a swing out there for Scott. We have a Fisher Price one but I don't like how he sits so tall in it and being over concrete I want him as safe as possible. He loves that he gets to swing at home now though. He will sit there for a good 20 minutes at a time. :) I only wish the person had not been so slow about shipping it. I ordered it on Sunday and they finally shipped it on Friday. I guess when you are looking for a deal sometimes it takes longer to get what you want. I have not had a lot of luck at Yard Sales recently I went weeks without being to go and now there are just not that many not to mention it rained this morning. Last week I got a great deal on a box of books. There were at least 30 kids books in the box and an etch-sketch for $3. Lots of Thomas books so I was excited and a lot of other great books including some Dora to share with Scotty's little friend K who loves Dora. Today I found a couple of things making it worth going out. I got a pair of ear protectors to use when we go watch Indy car races. I had bought one pair at Meijer thinking we would take Scott this year but Brad and I don't own any either so now we have two pairs. :) I also was very happy to find a white lamp base. A couple of years ago I found one and it didn't have the piece on the top to keep you from getting shocked and you couldn't buy just that piece. So someone took it apart for me supposedly to rewire it and told me it was not made well and I should use it so I gave up. Today I got a nice heavy base with all the pieces so I was able to put the shade on it that matches Scotty's room and get it all up and working. We didn't need it before because the dresser where it goes was being used as our changing table until the last few months where we moved to the crib or the floor. For $2 I am very happy.
I also went to Meijer where I got 4 cans of free soup and 4 more cans for 50 cents each. I also picked up some more drinkable yogurt for Scott since it was on sale. And just because I know they are not going to sell them any more I got Scotty some more Wonder Pets figures. I really wanted to get the school house at half off but decided to wait and see if it gets any cheaper and call it a lose if not. He might or might not play with it and it is still $20.
At Kroger this week I got bread and buns on mark down. I also got some oatmeal packets with coupons for 98 cents a box. I picked up one more bottle of the Claritin for $1.79 after mark down and coupon. Love getting something I have to buy no matter what for a great price. Especially something that costs me about $9 every 24 days normally. Scotty doesn't love it but he will survive. I also found a great deal on on Almonds. $3 for a pound of cinnamon flavored. YUM and even plain ones cost more than that.
Speaking of nuts I got a great deal on Groupon for $10 I got a $25 gift certificate for Nutty Guys and am excited to try them out. I got a different one from them from Eversave a few weeks ago and I need to get my orders in. Check out these sites that give you a deal a day in some bigger cities and some online deals too. Check out Groupon and Eversave if you haven't already.
My one other purchase was not so much of a deal as it saves money by not running water constantly for my one year old. He loves to play in running water and I finally found a toy that will let him do that. Yookidoo Flow 'N' Fill Spout
More soon. Happy Saving to you all.
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