Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So sorry to have not been keeping up over here

www.pixelofink.comA friend stated a coupon group on FB and I have been posting my deals on there but I have not made it over here to post them. I am sorry about that and hope to do better in the near future.

I have been getting a lot of the same types of deals as I was getting and trying to deal with the fact that the prices of food is just just going up and up. How to feed a bottomless pit toddler and stay within our budget. It's so very sad each week to see how much the prices have gone up.

I will say I love my new Kindle with Special offers. Not only does www.pixelofink.com provide me with lots of links for free books the Kindle itself gives me great offers to save money. Such as a 25% off coupon for www.endless.com where I have bought shoes for my little boy before. Also a great deal on Audible.com for books "books on tape" as I have always called them. I am picking up some great books for my little guy to listen to like the entire collection of Raggedy Ann and Andy stories which were my favorite as a little girl and also Just so Stories from Rudyard Kipling. :)

I have been stocking up on lots of fruit to freeze for when it's not so cheap any more and also making some Strawberry freezer jam while berries are cheap. :) Plus my little boy is going to turn into a blueberry. He loves them so much.

I'll be back soon to post some more of my great deals and finds.

Happy saving!

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