Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sometimes you save enough money you can splurge a little while still saving as much as possible

I love nothing better than saving money but sometimes you just have to buy and or do some fun stuff even if you can't save money on it.

We had a trip planned to go to Chicago to visit with some of my mommy friends at the last minute Scott was not feeling well and I was afraid that as soon as I packed him up and could no longer get out of my hotel room he would be to sick to travel. So early in the week last week I canceled our trip. Brad still had the time off work though so I figured we would do some fun stuff closer to home. Thursday Brad joined us for Scott's normal music class at Gymboree. He had never been before so he was excited to see all the fun Scott has. The great thing about him going was we got lots of pictures and videos that I know we will always treasure. Thursday night I decided that since we have a zoo membership that made going to the Halloween Party party free we would head to Louisville. The first two weeks with a membership you got to go for free. You can park off site for free but with a one year old I was hesitant to do that and get stuck waiting on a shuttle to take us to the car so we could go home. So we paid the $5 to park. In all honestly I am glad we did not pay to go in. I totally forgot that you can't really even see a lot of the animals along the route they send you through the zoo. Scott had a blast just running around and seeing all the fun stuff. So they had these fun toys that spin around and light up. I just couldn't help myself from buying one for Scott. He loved it and played with it all night long. I know he will have a lot more fun out of it in the future too. I also have been wanting for a while to get a caricature of Scott drawn. I was so excited there was someone there that was drawing them. He sat still and flirted and laughed with the girl and we got a great picture. She even colored it for us for free just because she loved his hair and wanted to do it. As a zoo member we even got a discount so it cost me less than $8. What a deal!

Friday we finally made it to the Cincinnati Children's museum. I was able to get another BOGO adult admission pass to get us in for less. Scott is cheap since he only 1 which was a bonus. He loved the Children's museum and we splurged on lunch. Next time I think we will just pack a lunch and save some money. On Saturday we took Scott to ride on his first train. He had a blast and it was not to expensive because he was free and we just had to pay for the grownups. What a fun weekend!

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